Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 27: 01.27.10 Red Oak Amber Lager

Red Oak Brewery

Whitsett, North Carolina

Amber Lager

Style: Munich Urtyp Lager
Availability: Year Round
Format: 12oz - 12pk
ABV: ?
Malt: Two Row, Munich
Hops: Spalt
Yeast: Weihenstephen 

Bottle text & Info:

From the brewery: Red Oak Amber is a Munich Urtyp (Old Style) Lager. We begin the brewing process with custom kilned imported Munich Malt. Red Oak is then hopped with Spalt Noble Hops imported from Bavaria, the oldest hop growing region in the world. Before fermentation we add a yeast strain from Weihenstephen, the oldest brewery in the world, founded before 1040 AD. Weeks of aging gives Red Oak the smooth taste it is known for. 

Tasting Notes:
Pours a bright, clear amber with a two and a half inch billowy cream colored head. I'll give this beer two things: great head retention, nice mouthfeel. Had a Yuengling before? Yeah, me too. Then you know what this smells like. Some sweet malt in the front followed by a lengthy grain notes with some souring and buttering on the finish. Perhaps no diacetyl rest stage for the folks down at red oak. What is an amber lager anyways? is it an amber? or a lager? is this an austrian style lager using german ingredients? Cripes. Overall, this is ok. A mass appeal beer with a lot of followers here in the N.C. From a retail standpoint, I'm glad to see this finally bottled so I don't have to field anymore "do you guys carry red oak?" A solid option if you're at a NASCAR event or an airport. That's where it ends for me. I'm a little irritated I fielded three phone calls in the last two weeks badgering me about how cold this had to be stored since it's unpasteurized. Whatever Red Oak. You guys bottled with screw caps. How's that for preserving freshness. And what's with this "we brew with all german malts, all german hops, and according to the German Purity law." You're brewing in the heart of NASCAR country. No one cares.

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