Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22: 01.22.10 Smuttynose Barleywine

Smuttynose Brewing Co.

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Big Beer Series: 
Barleywine Style Ale

Style: American Barleywine
Availability: Limited - First Quarter Release

Bottle text & Info:

Barleywine is a term originally used by British brewers to describe very(term deleted*) ales. Though individual examples of this style vary widely, barleywines are characterized by their full body, (terms deleted*) content, pronounced residual malt sweetness, fruity esters and, in the case of American versions especially, distinctive hop character, with a flavor profile that can lean towards the sweet or the bitter, or somewhere in between, and a color ranging from amber to deep copper. Barleywines tend to age nicely, especially bottle-conditioned versions, and have become quite collectible.
* Since Uncle Sam won't allow us to describe the term Barleywine accurately, here's a link to theBrewers Association Style Guidelines.
Our Barleywine is rich and malty, with hints of fruity esters and a well-hopped finish. Enjoy this hearty ale with fresh fruit and ripe cheese on a cold winter’s night, or lay it up and savor it with a friend for a special summer treat.

Tasting Notes:
Pours a dark orange. Much lighter than expected with a generous half inch white head. leaves nice spotted lacing on the glass. smells like a double ipa! All the flavors are there that you'd expect from a good barleywine. Dark fruits plus prunes with some toasted malts and that dry/sweet rye like finish. I love this one. definitely an american barleywine. Explodes with flavors from the intensive hopping. A great barleywine with a tangerine/blood orange like finish and a carbonation level that's spot on.

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