Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 42: 02.11.10 Lonerider Deadeye Jack

Lonerider Brewing Co.
Raleigh, North Carolina

Deadeye Jack

Style: American Porter
Availability: Limited - Seasonal - Winter
Format: 12oz - 6pk
ABV: 6.0%

Bottle text & Info:
"Deadeye Jack represents our seasonal porter consisting of a strong malty background with hints of roasted chocolate, subtle  sweetness and low hop bitterness."

Tasting Notes:
Pours black into the glass with a quarter inch of mocha colored heads that writhes and bubbles leaving crater-like holes on top. Smells of bitter chocolate and molasses. Bitter up front with dark chocolate and roasted/charred coffee persisting throughout. I'm pretty impressed here. Lonerider just turned one year old and they avoided all the pitfalls here. No over carbonation, but not flat either - and they resisted the urge to go sweet here. Hops are a subdued but this one still finishes nice and roasty with some juicy chocolate/cocoa notes that bring in the sweet in the middle before finishing dry. If I had one complaint it would be that this is a bit thin for my liking (between medium and light bodied), but all in all a really solid porter. If I were Big Boss Brewing, I'd be afraid.


  1. i was really pleased with this too. The right balance of smokiness while still leaving the chocolate notes intact.

  2. Thanks for the review, Paul. Glad you enjoyed the Jack. If you get a chance you should drop by the brewery sometime and try our other styles. Tasting Room & Brewery Tour hours are on the website:

    Thanks again,

    LoneRider Brewing Co.
